Development without accountability, sustainability and inclusiveness is not development.
Wiké is our social responsibility program.

TREEDOM (2015- in progress)

We offset our environmental impact by planting new trees that we give away to our customers.

All Us of Unity (2018)

Italian artists, graphic designers, and designers reinterpreted the iconic ‘U’ of the newspaper ‘L’Unità’ by creating works of art that were auctioned. The proceeds were donated to Caritas.

A manifesto for Genoa (2019)

Restoring a symbol of beauty in Genoa and in the Valpolcevera district. This creative contest was established following the collapse of the Morandi Bridge and it gathered 70 art works coming from all over Italy. The art works exhibited at Villa Serra were purchased in a single copy through a written offer in a sealed envelope. The art works exhibited online were purchased in a maximum of 9 numbered copies. The proceeds from the charity auction and fundraising were donated to the restoration of the Chapel of Sant’Orso in the historic monumental park of Villa Serra in Genoa.

The show must go home (2020)

In winter 2020, during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced Italian citizens and companies into a harsh lockdown, a communication and awareness campaign was launched in favor of people who work in Italian communication agencies. The campaign was conceived and produced pro bono in collaboration with UNA Agenzie della comunicazione unite and PR Hub. The campaign included a fundraiser whose proceeds were donated to the Italian Red Cross.
Write to us to get to know and collaborate to the our project. For our, for you. Especially for them.
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