Matter & Destination – is Studiowiki’s spin-off, created to communicate, enhance, and promote local specialties and products with a designation of origin certification in the Made in Italy wine and agri-food chain (DOC, DOCG, PDO, IGT).
Artescienza is the video production house that help us create all the audiovisual contents for our customers. A content factory for TV and web commercials, up to documentary films and web series for branded contents.
Ideazione is the company that develops tourism and territorial marketing plans, specializing in providing strategic consultancy services to public and private bodies active in the relevant Italian destinations.
ITUR is our partner for the promotion and marketing of touristic products, specialized as tour operator and manager of tourist information offices, visitor centers, museums, and libraries.
Registered Headquarters and Operational Office
Via Vegerio 6/6 B | 17100 Savona
T 019 2054914 / M 340 5889471